This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

31 Okt 2011

Panda Internet Security 2012 (Inc.Serial and License)

Panda Internet Security 2012 (PIS 2012) adalah sebuah software antivirus untuk memproteksi PC anda dari virus,malware,trojan,dll baik pada saat anda lagi surfing di dunia maya maupun offline.PIS 2012 ini memiliki banyak sekali fitur-fitur yang menarik sperti Browser Plus, Peningkatan Kecerdasan Scaning, Backup Online, dll. sehingga keamanan PC anda dari serangan Virus akan sangat terkendali, terlebih lagi apabila anda sering Internetan melalui PC anda ,Besar kemungkinan PC anda dapat terkena virus-virus yang bertebaran di dunia maya.oleh karena itu saya sarankan anda untuk memiliki setidaknya sebuah program internet security.

Screenshoot :

30 Okt 2011

Nitro PDF Professional Full Keygen

Nitro PDF adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk membuka,mengedit,membuat file-file berformat PDF.Menurut saya Software ini lebih canggih dari pada Adoe reader selain software ini cukup ringan tampilannya pun cukup menarik, tamilannya mirip seperti tampilan office 2007/2012 dan apabila kita membuka lebih dari satu file maka file tersebut akan di buka dalam tab-tab seperti di browser firefox dkk.Selain itu kita juga bisa mengconvert file file office ke format PDF dan sebaliknya kita bisa konvert file Pdf ke Office.

New features :

  • Convert PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs, and more with the most accurate, industry-leading PDF conversion technology. Create highly-editable files that retain page layouts, working tables, correctly justified paragraphs, drawing shapes, and more.
  • Create PDF files up to 50% faster
  • Summarize comments for paper-based viewing
  • PDF / A compliance support
  • Document management system (DMS) integration support
  • Grid and Snap-to-Grid tools
  • Full control over the PDF creation process
  • Major user interface improvements, including a new, easy-to-access Navigation pane, a Comments List panel for working with more detailed comments, and a dedicated Text Editing context ribbon for inserting and updating text.
  • Major improvements to the underlying PDF library for faster processing of all files.
System requirements
  • Desktops: Windows ® 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (x64 editions supported)
  • Servers: Windows ® Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2 (Terminal Server and Citrix XenApp / Access Essentials configurations supported) 
Cara Aktivasi :
1. Install Nitro PDF
2. Jalankan Nitro PDF - Activate
3. Pilih Activate Nitro PDF Professional - NEXT
4. Klik Activate Manualli Using a Web Browser
5. Copy Instalation ID - Jalankan Keygen - Paste pada kolom Install ID - GENERATE
6. Copy Activation Key dari Keygen - Paste ko kolom License Certified pada Nitro PDF - Activate

Download Here :

29 Okt 2011

Cara Membuka/Reset Password Windows

Mungkin anda sering lupa password windows anda dan anda harus menginstall ulang windows anda untuk membukanya.Tapi sekarang anda tidak perlu bersusah payah menginstal ulang windows anda karena cukup menggunakan software ini anda akan bisa mereset atau membuka password windows anda, cukup dengan boot melalui PC anda maka password anda akan direset.

How it looks and works :
  • Reset Windows Password - screenshots and documentation
  • Full list of the program features
  • Three simple steps to create a bootable CD, DVD or USB disk
  • Utility for creating bootable disks
  • Running RWP from the bootable disk
  • Modifying BIOS to boot from RWP disk, questions and answers
Features :
  • Simple, intuitive graphic interface. No more ugly DOS prompts.
  • Resets and modifies passwords of local users and administrators, domain administrator, Active Directory users, DSRM account.
  • Advanced password lookup algorithms (also known as AI attack).
  • Dumps user password hashes from SAM for further analysis.
  • Dumps password hashes from Active Directory.
  • Dumps domain cached credentials.
  • Supports all versions of NT-based Windows, including the newest Windows 7.
  • All editions include the utility for creating a bootable CD/DVD/USB disk from the downloadable ISO file with the application.
  • Supports 64-bit Windows.
  • Large collection of IDE, SATA, SCSI, RAID drivers.
  • Detects several operating systems installed on the computer.
  • Supports non-English versions of Windows and passwords in national encodings.
  • Allows undoing changes made to the system.
  • Deletes passwords and other sensitive data from the computer.
  • Detailed help.
  • Enables and unlocks user accounts.
  • Disables the password expiry option.
  • Resets SYSKEY (with full user passwords re-encryption)
Installation Notes :
  • Burn to disk.
  • Set boot from DVD drive in BIOS.
  • Restart
Click Here For Download Link
Password :

Membuat Logo Dengan Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

Anda mungkin pernah ingin membuat logo perusahaan,blog,atau group anda sendiri.Sekarang anda tidah perlu pusing lagi mencari software yang mudah digunakan namun hasilnya seperti profesional.Software yang satu ini namanya Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker , software ini memiliki tool-tool yang akan mempermudah anda dalam membuat logo dan text.Jadi tunggu apalagi silahkan download aja gan biar tahu kelebihannya

Click Here For Download Link
Password :

Download Winamp Pro 5.622 Build 3188

Winamp adalah sebuah software yang di gunakan untuk memainkan file-file multimedia seperti audio dan video.Software yang satu ini mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda karena hampir seluruh PC mempunyai software yang satu ini.Software ini mendukung format file audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) dan video (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV).

Winamp Player Features :
• Plays Music and Video Files (aacPlus, MP3, AAC, WMA and more!)
• Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins
• Full Support for Classic and Modern Skins
• Plays Videos (NSV, WMV, and more!)
• Powerful Media Library
• Browse SHOUTcast Radio & TV Stations
• Browse Winamp Music Videos & Songs
• Integrated AOL Video Content (News, Sports, Movies & more)
• AOL Radio Featuring XM
• SHOUTcast Wire (podcast directory)
• Predixis MusicMagic (dynamic playlisting)
• Bundled Visualizations
• Burn CDs (Limited to 2x - 48x in Pro!)
• Rips CDs (Limited to 8x aacPlus, AAC, WMA - Unlimited aacPlus, AAC, WMA and MP3 in Pro!)
• 50 free mp3s from Emusic
• Includes Winner of the Internet
• Surround Music Project!
• Includes an MP3 of 'Mercy Me' by Alkaline Trio
• Rip/Encode music into aacPlus, AAC, WMA, or MP3!
• Burn CDs up to 48x!

Screenshoot :

Click Here For Download Link
Password :

27 Okt 2011

Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.7.2

Smadav akhir-akhir ini sudah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu smadav 8.7.2 yang memiliki fitur-fitur yang cukup memadai.Tetapi pernahkah anda mencoba untuk membuat smadav anda menjadi Smadav pro tetapi key yang anda masukan salah maka Smadav akan memblacklist Smadav anda.Pada versi sebelumnya cara menghilangkan blacklist smadav cukup gampang hanya dengan menuliskan "anti-bajakan" atau "anti-pembajakan" maka Smadav anda aka kembali seperti semula.Namun pada versi 8.7.2 ini Smadav telah memperkuat proteksinya dengan cara tidak mengizinkan cara-cara di atas.

Cara menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.7.2 :
  1. Uninstall Smadav 8.7.2 anda
  2. Install Smadav Versi Sebelumnya (Versi Berapa aja asal bukan 8.7.2)
  3. Apa bila Smadav yang anda install tadi diblacklist juga maka Ketikkan "anti-bajakan" atau "anti-pembajakan" pada nama dan keynya di kosongkan
  4. Uninstall Smadav yang tadi anda Install
  5. Install kembali Smadav 8.7.2 anda
  6. Selamat menggunakan Smadav anda
Info : Untuk Membuat Key Smadav Pro Dengan Nama Anda Sendiri Klik Disini

Menulis Huruf Arab Dengan Arabic Pad 1.4 Potable

Seperti namanya Arabic Pad Portable digunakan untuk menulis huruf-huruf arab/arabic.Dalam Microsoft Word sebenarnya sudah ada fitur untuk menulis huruf arab namun cukup rumit karena kita harus menambahkannya satu persatu. Nah sekarang arabic pad ini di gunakan untuk mempermudah anda dalam menulis huruf-huruf Arab dengan simple dan mudah tanpa harus bersusah payah memasukkanya satu persatu.Selain itu arabic pad ini juga Portable sehingga anda bisa membawanya kemana-mana.

INFO : Di Windows 7 software ini berjalan dengan baik, namun jika sobat menggunakan Windows XP, mungkin ada beberapa Settingan tambahan yang harus dilakukan.
  1. Buka Control Panel
  2. Lalu cari kemudian pilih Regional and Language Option - Tab Language
  3. Centang pada kotak “Install files for complex script and right-to-left (Including Thai)” - Klik Apply.
  4. Masukan CD Installer Windows (Jika Diminta)
  5. Restart Komputer sobat
  6. Selesai
Password :

Web Page Maker 3.2 + Serial

Web Page Maker adalah sebuah software yang digunakan untuk membuat/mendesain Web Sites. Software ini sangat mudah digunakan dang sangat simple karena di lengkapi dengan toolbar-toolbar dan menu yang cukup membantu selain itu software ini juga dilengkapi dengan template sehingga anda dapat menggunakan template yang tersedia sebagai bahan ajar bagi anda dalam mendesain web site anda.Fungsi software sebenarnya ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan Dreamweaver namun software ini lebih mudah digunakan bila dibandingkan dengan dreamweaver yang lumayan rumit.

Download Web Page Maker + Serial Dari Link di Bawah ini :

Download Emulator PS3

Kalau Kemarin saya share emulator PS2 sekarang saya akan share emulator PS3.Emulator PS3 ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan emulator PS2 yang berbeda hanyalah jenis CD yang dapat dimainkan.namun Emulator PS3 ini membutuhkan minimum system requrment yang lumayan, bagi anda yang mempunyai PC yang lemot/lola saya sarankan untuk tidak menggunakan emulator ini karena dapat membebani PC anda.

Untuk Spesifikasi Komputer agar menunjang Emulator PS3, silahkan lihat dibawah ini :
  • DVD ROOM yang bisa membaca DVD DUAL layer atau DVD ROOM Blue-ray
  • PROCESSOR minimum yaitu CORE 2 DUO 3.0 GHZ
  • VGA yang HD (HIGH DEFINITION) dengan kualitas gambar yang jernih
    Contoh : NVIDIA GEFORCE 9800 GT atau ATI RADEON 5870 HD SERIES, dan Lain-Lain
  • HARDDISK DRIVE minimum 20 GB, karena game PS# ini memakan storage penyimpanan yang besar

Memainkan Game PS2 di PC dengan Emulator PCSX2

Bagi anda yang suka main PS2 tapi anda tidak punya uang buat beli atau rental PS, sekarang anda tidak perlu bingung karena sekarang sudah ada emulator PS2 yand dapat memainkan CD/Game PS2 di kompi atau Laptop sobat.Emulator PS2 ini bekerja dengan cara mengemulsikan Game PS1 atau PS2 di PC anda sehigga anda dapat memainkannya.Tetapi ada Standar minimum yang harus di penuhi Oleh PC anda diantaranya :
1. Spesifikasi komputer
Prosesor    : Minimum dual core (Recommend core2duo)
VGA         : Minimum Gforce 6600 atau ATi Radeon X1300
RAM         : Minimum 512MB (windows XP) atau 1GB (windows 7)
Support     : Windows XP / Windows 7 32 dan 64 bit

 Sebelum anda menginstall PCSX2 ini anda terlebih dahulu harus menginstall aplikasi-aplikasi berikut ini :
Kalau semuanya sudah lengkap sekarang tinggal mendownload dan menginstall Emulator PS2 nya silahkan klik link di bawah ini untuk mendownloadnya

Note : Untuk Windows 7 anda tidak perlu mendownload Net FrameWorknya karena sudah langsung ternstal  dengan windows anda

22 Okt 2011

Cara Membuat Recent Post Slide (Thumbnile)

Recent post atau newest post biasanya hanya berbentuk tulisan ataupun gambar di sidebar anda. Tapi sekarang sudah ada recen post yang berbentuk slide sehingga lebih terkesan indah dan menarik bagi pengunjung anda

Berikut Langkah-Langkahnya :

  1. Login ke Blogger
  2. Klik Rancangan ==> Tambah Gadget.
  3. Pilih yang HTML/JavaScript.
  4. Copy kode dibawah ini ke dalam kolom kosong yang tersedia :
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<div id="spylist">
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    5. Save Template

Note :
1. Ganti Tulisan Yang berwarna Merah dengan alamat blog anda
2. Tulisan yang berwarna Kuning adalah jumlah recen post yang akan di tampilkan

20 Okt 2011

Cara Membuat Text Area di blog

Text area berfungsi untuk menghemat tempat pada blog ataupun postingan, sehingga postingan atau blog kita tidak terlihat terlalu penuh dan berantakkan.cara kerjanya yaitu anda aka menempatkan text pada sebuah kotak sehingga text tersebut tidak terlihat panjang.

Contoh Text Area :

Copy Script di bawah ini ,lalu tambahkan ke postingan atau blog anda :

Semoga Berhasil !

19 Okt 2011

Cyberlink PowerDVD 11 Ultra v11.0.1620.51 Preactivated

Cyberlink PowerDVD 11 Ultra v11.0.1620.51 Preactivated | 87.28 Mb
PowerDVD 11 is the ultimate universal media player that extends your viewing experience beyond just movies on PCs. Play any media format from any device at home or on social networks, at enhanced HD and 3D quality, all with PowerDVD 11.
Password Mediafire :

18 Okt 2011

CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 3D v10.0.1516 + Crack

CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 3D v10.0.1516 + Crack | 122 Mb

CyberLink's most advanced movie and media player to date, PowerDVD 10 delivers 3D and HD movies on the PC. PowerDVD 10 is a unique universal player that offers the best playback quality available.

Features of PowerDVD 10 :

* Convert 2D video to 3D using TrueTheater 3D.

* Use TrueTheater video enhancement technologies to enhance video during the playback of DVDs and video files.

* Use TrueTheater audio enhancement technologies to improve audio quality during the playback of Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, videos and audio.

* Apply TrueTheater Noise Reduction and Stabilizer to fix your personal videos during playback.

* Support for GPU acceleration (NVIDIA CUDA and ATI Stream) for video decoding when TrueTheater HD is enabled.

* Share comments and reviews of movies in real-time on Facebook, Twitter, and MoovieLive using the Short Comment feature.

* Add BookMarks with comments and share them as MovieMarks on Facebook and MoovieLive.

* Use media tabs to quickly access and play back movies, videos and music.

* Support for MKV, WTV, FLV, RM, RMVB, 3GP, 3G2 video file formats.

* Play back video files with DTS-HD, DD+, Dolby TrueHD audio.
* FLV (H.264) file playback.

* RM/RMVB file playback (Available when RealPlayer is installed).

* TrueTheater™ Noise Reduction – removes original video noise during playback.

* TrueTheater™ Stabilizer – fixes shaky video during playback.

* New! - Add short comments during DVD playback and then share them in real-time on MoovieLive, Facebook and Twitter.

* Support for the Windows 7 Library when playing back audio and video files.

* Upload videos to YouTube.

* Utilize ambient light sensor on supported notebooks/laptops to maximize battery life.

* MKV (H.264) file playback.

* New! - Add BookMarks with comments to DVD movies and then share on MoovieLive and Facebook.

* New! - Add BookMarks to video files.

* New! - Upload video to YouTube.

* New! - Video file subtitle support (SMI, ASS, SSA, PSB, SRT and SUB).

* Say-It-Again - Automatically repeats the last movie scene.

* See-It-All - Automatically speeds playback to show as much of the movie as possible.

* Read-It-Clearly - Moves subtitles from the viewing screen.

*Multilingual support: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, German

* Optimized for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32/64-bit).

* PowerDVD Cinema playback mode (with full remote control support).

* PowerDVD WMC plug-in (seamless integration with Windows Media Center).

* Movie Collection Support.

* Movie Remix.

* Integration with MoovieLive Service.

* UPnP Support - Access your media from a Home Network.

Password Mediafire :

Download TuneUp Utilities 2012 + Serial

Kalau sebelumnya saya pernah share TuneUp 2011 sekarang saya akan share TuneUp 2012.TuneUp adalah software yang di gunakan untuk mempercepat PC anda ,selain itu TuneUp bisa juga digunakan untuk memperindah tampilan PC anda karena software ini disertai dengan Customisation sehingga anda bisa mengatur tampilan desktop,boot screen,logon screen PC anda.Sebenarnya Software ini tidak jauh beda dengan software yang lain seperti ,Advance System Care dan PC Tools and Performance Toolkit

• Powerful hard drive defragmentation
• Optimize system startup, faster Internet and run Windows
• Fast hard disk
• Effective cleaning of the debris
• Fully automatic cleaning
• Effective cleaning your registry from obsolete and unneeded
• Effective help in solving many problems in Windows
• Effective tool to recover deleted data
• Complete removal of data, without the possibility of recovery
• Tweaking Windows
• User-friendly graphical user interface
Serial Number (Pilih Salah Satu) : 

Cara Pasang Favicon (Icon Blog)

Favicon adalah sebuah icon yang akan tampil pada tab browser atau di addres bar browser.Favicon berfungsi untuk menambah keidahan blog sehingga pengunjung dapat mengetahui identitas blog anda.

Berikut Langka-Langkahnya :
  1. Login Ke Blogger
  2. Pilih Rancangan ==> Edit HTML
  3. Cari Kode <b:skin> atau <b:skin><![CDATA[/*
  4. Copas kode di bawah ini di atas kode tersebut :
<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>

Keterangan : Ganti kode yang berwarna merah dengan alamat icon yang ingin di tampilkan

    5. Simpan Template

Cara Membuat Tombol Spoiler (Show/Hide)

Spoiler atau tombol show/hide ini memiliki fungsi yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan text area atau pun fungsi scrol.cara kerja spoiler ini adalah anda bisa menaruh artikel atau gambar bahkan kode script yang nantinya hanya di tampilkan sebuah tombil yang apabila di klik akan menampilkan isi dari spoiler tersebut.Spoiler ini bisa anda letakkan di postingan maupun sidebar anda jadi kalau anda tidak mau postingan atau sidebar anda terlihat penuh saya sarankan anda untuk menggunakan spoiler ini.

Contoh Spoiler:

Letakkan kode script, HTML dan teks atau gambar anda disini

Letakkan kode Spoiler ini di tempat yang anda inginkan (Untuk meletakkan di postingan pilih Edit HTML) :

Keterangan :
1. Untuk tulisan Open dan Close bisa sobat ganti sesuai keinginan.
2. Width : 55px untuk lebar spoiler.
3. Font-size: 11px untuk besar tulisan pada kotak spoiler.
4. Tulisan Spoiler adalah judul, silahkan ganti sesuai keinginan sobat.

16 Okt 2011

Cara Install Windows Menggunakan Flash Disk (Bootable)

Bagi anda yang bermasalah dengan CD/DVD Room anda atau bahkan anda tidak mempunyai CD/DVD Room, mungkin anda pernah bingung dengan bagaimana harus menginstall ulang OS anda. Tapi sekarang anda tidah perlu pusing-pusing lagi karena saya akan menshare cara-caranya agar sobat bisa menginstall windows dari FD anda.oke baiklah langkah-langkahnya Sbb :

1.  Pertama anda harus mempunyai tool-tool di bawah ini :2. Install Ultra Iso yang sudah anda download tadi
3. Siapkan installer windows anda ,apabila belum berbentuk file .img atau .iso maka rubah lah caranya :
  • Klik kanan pada folder installer windows lalu => pilih ultra iso => add to iso file
4. Kalau sudah Buka Ultra Iso dengan cara klik kanan lalu run as administrator
5. Klik open Lalu pilih Installer windows anda
6. Pada menu bar pilih Bootable => Write Disk Image
7. Klik Write dan Tunggu sampai prosesnya selesai

Nah Proses membuat bootable Flash Disknya sudah selesai sekarang tinggal nginstall windowsnya
1. Restart PC/Laptop anda
2. Pada saat muncul proses bootnya tekan tombol Function key atau tombol untuk setting bios biasanya tombol F2 atau F12)
3. Lalu atur agar booting pertama dari Flashdisk
4. Install Windows anda seperti biasa

UltraISO Premium Edition 9.36 Build 2766 Full Keygen

Ultra Iso adalah Software yang di gunakan untuk membuat file CD/DVD seperti .Img,Iso,Isz dan lain-lain selain itu ultra iso ini juga bisa di gunakan untuk membuat bootable CD/DVD/Flash Disk

UltraISO Features :
  • Duplicate Disc to CD/DVD Image
  • Build Files/Folders to One ISO File
  • Organize and Manage Efficiently
  • Edit and Convert ISO File in Many Format
  • Make Bootable CD/DVDs
  • Create/Edit Audio CD Image
Changes in 9.36 :
  • Improved write disk image feature, can write Ubuntu UNR 9.10 image to bootable USB flash drive, and create bootable USB harddisk with multiple artitions (Xpress Write)
  • Can handle CD-TEXT information of .C2D images
  • Show information about time elapsed on burn
  • Supports 25GB/50GB media type
  • Can detect and use virtual CD/DVD drive of Daemon-Tools 4.35 and Alcohol 120% 2.00
  • Fixed a bug with mounting multiple ISOs to virtual drive with isocmd.exe
  • Some minor improvements and bug fixes
System Requirement :
  • Windows 2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit), Windows 2000, ME, 98SE, 98, or Windows NT4.0 SP6a + operating system.
  • 64MB memory.
  • At least 10MB free hard disk space .
  • CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver (copy compact disc image needs).
  • Mouse.
Password Mediafire :

15 Okt 2011

Corel WinDVD Pro

Corel WinDVD Pro | 118.47 Mb
Corel WinDVD Pro 11 - a popular worldwide multimedia player with support for viewing DivX, DVD and Blu-ray discs, the full support of Dolby with the option of using Dolby Virtual Speaker, the possibility of using video effects and corrective filters to improve image.

* Watch home movies or the latest Hollywood blockbuster DVDs
* Enjoy crystal-clear video
* Experience the crisp sound quality of Dolby® Digital Sound
* Watch movies wherever you are with battery optimization for your laptop
* Play movies in popular audio and video formats
* Get hands-on with Windows® 7 touch-screen features

Supported file formats:
Blu-ray 3D, BD-ROM (BonusView, BD-Live), BD-R/BD-RE, AVCREC, AVCHD, MPEG2, Windows Media, QuickTime, DivX, MPEG-4/AVC (H.264) .

Support for audio formats:
Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD Master Audio.

Audio technology:
Dolby Headphone, Dolby Virtual Speaker, Dolby Pro Logic IIx and DTS Neo 6.
Password Mediafire :

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers | 3.91 Gb

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers is a modified Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 is also the development of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat which has been modified with added software popular.

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 provides the advantages of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat and also features a new open source application which pretty much included didistro, like Inkscape, Blender, OpenOffice, Gimp, IPOD and more popular applications on this distro and are also equipped with WIFI drivers more complete, without having to download again from the repository.

Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers can easily run multimedia video, DVD etc. without having to download codecs, because the Ultimate edition already installed the required codec.

This is Live DVD distro who also can be installed and installasinya was fairly easy simply by clicking the icon on the desktop install.

Ultimate Edition 2.8 also provides the latest version of the emulator PlayOnLinux make these distributions can run Windows games.

Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers Pack the myriad of games for Linux include:
· Armagetronad;
· Gunroar;
· Kobo Deluxe;
· Hedgewars;
· Pingus;
· Urbanterror;
· Bzflag;
· Gridwars 2;
· Chromium-BSU;
· Criticalmass;
· Assaultcube;
· Defendguin;
· Kapman;
· Frozen-bubble;
· Kblocks;
· Fretsonfire;
· Gtkboard games (32 board games);
· Vgacard games (4 card games);
· Warzone 2100;
· Barrage;
· Glest;
· Scorched3D;
· Enemy-territory;
· Boswars;
·-Orbital Eunuchs-sniper;
· Performous;
· Warsow.

Adobe Presenter 7.0.7 Build 7746

Adobe Presenter 7.0.7 Build 7746 | 92.24 Mb
Adobe Presenter 7 software is a rich media and eLearning authoring tool that enables virtually anyone to transform drab presentations into engaging Adobe Flash Player compatible multimedia experiences and eLearning courses.

With just a few clicks, you can transform your Microsoft PowerPoint file into an engaging multimedia presentation complete with narration and interactivity.
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Advanced SystemCare Pro

Advanced SystemCare Pro | 29.6 Mb

Advanced SystemCare PRO Edition The World’s Top System Utility for Superior PC Health. Advanced SystemCare PRO (formerly Advanced WinodwsCare Professional) provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities.

This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically.

Features :
• Designed for gives your PC better speed and reliability.
• Powerful Hard Drive Defrag and Optimization.
• Next-generation Registry Deep Clean and Optimization.
• Automated Working in the Background.
• Defends PC Security with Extra Protection.
• Quick and Extensive Clean-up for Hard Drives.
• Keeps Your PC Running at Peak Performance.
• Fixes Multiple System Errors.
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SuperSpeed SuperCache v5.0.524.0

SuperSpeed SuperCache v5.0.524.0 | 13.37 Mb

SuperCache breaks the disk I/O bottleneck by using the computer's RAM to hold or contain the most frequently used disk data. This 'container' is referred to as a cache. With SuperCache, as a program sends and receives disk data, the most frequently used data is read from and written to RAM – not the hard drive – thus accelerating the program's performance. SuperCache implements our patented block-level cache technology to increase performance above that of the operating system’s file-level cache.

New Interface
SuperCache 5 now has a more user friendly and informative interface.
* Overview of available storage drives in system
* Caching graph showing 4 performance items
* Configure SuperCache by right clicking a volume
* Automatic configuration of boot drive (usually C:) during installation.

Added Feature called "Mirror Mode"
SuperCache Mirror Mode (formerly a separate product called SuperVolume) allows the user to duplicate an entire volume/partition into RAM. Learn more about Mirror Mode.

Quick start instructions:
There are two ways to configure SuperCache 5(SC5) either from Graphical User Interface(GUI) or via the Command Line Interface(CLI). SuperCache will be automatically enable on the boot volume (usually C:) if this option was selected during installation.

To configure or modify caching from the GUI
1). Double click the desktop icon.
2). Select a volume
3). Select either the first menubar icon OR Action -> Cache

- OR -

To access SC5 from the CLI
1). Open a Command Prompt with Administrative privileges
2). Type "vfcfg -help" will provide an overview of the command line syntax.

• Windows 7 32 & 64-bit
• Windows Vista 32 & 64-bit
• Windows XP Professional, 32 & 64-bit
• Windows 2000 is NOT supported
Processor (CPU) Support
• 1 G Hz processor or higher
• All Intel and AMD Pentium-class platforms
• All Intel 64-bit processor families (except Itanium)
• All AMD 64-bit processor families
• All SMP (i.e. number of CPUs) configurations of the above that are supported by Windows™.

Operating system edition Maximum
• RAM Approx.% available for cache CPUs*
• Windows 7 32-bit(x86) 4 GB 50% 2
• Windows 7 64-bit(x64) 8-192 GB 75-95% 2
• Windows Vista 32-bit(x86) 4 GB 50% 2
• Windows Vista 64-bit(x64) 8-128 GB 50%-95% 2
• Windows XP Professional 32-bit(x86) 4 GB 75% 2
• Windows XP Professional 64-bit(x64) 128 GB 95% 2
*Socket limit that the operating system supports.

Install Notes :
1. Install the program but do not restart yet.
2. Copy the keygen to prog dir, i.e. "C:\Program Files\SuperSpeed\SuperCache\".
3. Run the keygen, and choose "SuperCache" then Patch the driver, and restart.
4. When Windows starts, navigate to prog dir, and run the keygen.
5. Choose "SuperCache" and click "Generate" to get your key file.
6. From your desktop, run "SuperCache" and click "File" -> "Licensing". Then click "Update" and "Browse" to your key file that has been generated in prog dir, and apply it.
7. DONE!
Password Mediafire :

PC Tools Performance Toolkit 2011 Build

PC Tools Performance Toolkit 2011 Build | 28.74 Mb
PC Tools Performance Toolkit offers easy-to-use tools for speeding up your PC, optimizing performance, and protecting your privacy. It improves your Windows experience regardless of your level of expertise by using advanced technology to boost speed, improve stability, monitor your system, and tune up services. Additionally, it accelerates start times, recovers lost data, and repairs hard drives to keep your computer running like new. See details on next page.
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System Speed Booster v2.8.8.6

System Speed Booster v2.8.8.6 | 4.82 Mb
Let's find out: How outdated are you?
1). Paying a large amount of money for Windows upgrades.
2). Enduring the slow speeds, the frequent crashes, the sudden errors of your PC.
3). Have no clue of how to remove all of the troubles.
4). Still have no idea of how to explore the deep potential of computer.

If so, System Speed Booster is just what you need to take you up to date. It charges nothing to allow you enjoy the no error system, faster speed, clean and safe network. A couple of clicks, you will make your computer as perfect as new with System Speed Booster in no time.

Install Notes :
1). Install the program, and do not run.
2). Copy the crack "SystemSpeedBooster.exe" to program directory, i.e."C:\Program Files\SystemSpeedBooster\", and replace the original.
3). DONE!
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8 Okt 2011

Game FIFA 2012 (Reloaded)

 FIFA 12 | 6.8 Gb

 Revolutionary changes to the best sports game on the planet. FIFA 12 brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine, a physics engine that delivers real-world physicality in every interaction. Gameplay innovations inspired by real-world football make FIFA 12 deeper and more engaging.

Recommended System Requirements 

  • CPU with dual-core processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or faster).
  • Intel Core2Duo @ 2,4 Ghz Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7.
  • 2 GB of RAM.
  • DirectX ® 9.0c compatible 256 MB video card with
  • 3D acceleration or equivalent (support for Shader Model 3.0 or higher).
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